baby doc造句
- Haiti's Jean-Claude " Baby Doc"
- _1971 : Jean-Claude " Baby Doc"
- Most Duvalierists, including Jean-Claude " Baby Doc"
- Many of them supported Jean-Claude " Baby Doc"
- That's what " Baby Doc"
- After Jean-Claude " Baby Doc"
- But they could get another Baby Doc in there.
- After President-for-Life Jean Claude " Baby Doc"
- Duvalier and his son, Jean-Claude " Baby Doc"
- Since the overthrow of the Jean-Claude " Baby Doc"
- It's difficult to see baby doc in a sentence. 用baby doc造句挺难的
- Michele Duvalier was married to Jean-Claude " Baby Doc"
- A popular uprising forced " Baby Doc"
- He became army chief in 1971, when " Baby Doc"
- _Jean-Claude " Baby Doc"
- Duvalier and then his son, Jean-Claude " Baby Doc"